
Since its creation, Laboratoire Aguettant has made it its mission to manufacture essential injectable pharmaceutical products for patients around the world and in collaboration with medical experts. Management and employees take part in a collective approach to improve the environment around them and commit to preventing pollution.

Employees committed

to patient health:

The meaning of our business is the health of patients around the world. It is with this conviction that our employees commit themselves and work daily to serve patients. Aguettant has hundreds of marketing authorisations worldwide, with many essential drugs, particularly in the fields of anesthesia-resuscitation, emergency, nutrition and neurology.
les professionnels de sante
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Since 2011, the Laboratory has been a member of the TULIPE association, the emergency and international solidarity association for healthcare companies.

Thanks to donations from its members, the NGO provides emergency kits adapted to the needs of populations in distress during acute health crises, natural disasters or conflicts.
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Laboratoire Aguettant has been actively supporting the Alain Carpentier Foundation for 5 years to allow free surgery for underprivileged children in Vietnam.
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The collective spirit at Aguettant is strong. Whether it's World Patient Safety Day, every September 17, or mobilizing for a cause, Aguettant employees mobilize with energy.

With respect

for the environment

In order to fulfill our mission while respecting our values, we are now committed to a process of continuous improvement of the environmental management system and compliance with the regulatory requirements applicable to our sites, which is the key to controlling our greenhouse gases and our carbon footprint in all of our activities and sites.
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An energy and carbon footprint audit are carried out regularly. It is on this basis that concrete actions are carried out with strong visible impacts both in terms of resource optimization and in terms of energy performance :
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Control of water

and energy consumption

- Some of the buildings are heated by recovering the energy emitted by the fumes from the boilers.

- The entire process of cooling the conductivity probe of the steam generator has been reviewed, leading to a saving of nearly 20,000 m3 of water.

- The decision to replace the boilers on our sites has reduced energy consumption by almost 20%.

- The insulation of the technical ducts has been reinforced, thus reducing energy consumption.

- All installed light bulbs are gradually being replaced with LED lighting. 

- Gradually, the fleet of service vehicles is being replaced by electric vehicles and charging stations are being installed.
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Waste management on the

production site and in the hospital

- All bio-waste from the company canteen on the Lyon site is collected by the local waste disposal company “Les Alchimistes" and transformed into compost in Villeurbanne Office.

- Waste is sorted and recycled by the ESAT “ELISE” which creates local jobs and is inclusive to people with disabilities or experiencing integration difficulties.

- Our industrial waste such as our plastic containers and cardboard are recycled in specialized channels.

- Our plastic corks are passed on to the "Solidarité Bouchons" association.

- In factories, disposable gowns have been replaced by re-usable gowns.

- Our ready-to-use injectable products have demonstrated reduced hospital wastage compared to hand-prepared emergency medications. (1)

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The Saint-Fons logistics platform extension project, currently in progress, is intended to be a model of construction that respects the environment, being careful to make sustainable decisions and focus on the efficiency of the future building.

Sustainable economic development,

"Made in France"

Established more than a century ago, the Aguettant laboratory is a family business deeply rooted in its country of origin and one of the companies recognized for their long-term involvement, particularly in favor of employment and investment in Lyon. Aguettant is selected by the French public authorities for its industrial project as part of the national recovery plan "France Relance". This plan is carried out at all of the Group's industrial sites.
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They reflect a commitment to society and the environment :
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ISO 14001 : 2015 Certification

In April 2024 Aguettant received certification by Bureau Veritas for ISO 14001:2015.

This certification certifies that the Aguettant laboratory:
- Control its environmental impact,
- Commits to a process of continuous improvement,
- Complies with legal and regulatory requirements,
- Communicates transparently on its environmental performance

The Environmental Management System (EMS) gives Aguettant a framework for continuous
improvement when controlling our water and energy consumption, the recovery of our waste,
our purchases and many other aspects of manufacturing and operation.
2024 03 Médaille bronze Laboratoire Aguettant


Ecovadis is a comprehensive CSR assessment service via a global platform based on international sustainable development standards.

The Ecovadis rating is interested in a wide spectrum of non-financial management systems and in particular the consequences in the following themes : 

- Environment
- Labor & human rights
- Ethics 
- And Sustainable procurement.
(1) Barbariol F, Deana C, Lucchese F, Cataldi G, Bassi F, Bove T, Vetrugno L, De Monte A. Evaluation of Drug Wastage in the Operating Rooms and Intensive Care Units of a Regional Health Service. Anesth Analg. 2021 May 1;132(5):1450-1456.
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Last update of the site : 22 november 2024